Love of God Guitar Personalities

Holy Spirit Quotes [Sources]

These Spirited quotes are from friends and collections:

Holy Spirit Random Quoter

How can I plead with you more to let you know how deeply My desire for you is a fruitful life? Examine your mindset -- is it surrendered fully to Me? Are there automatic thought patterns that lock Me out? Is your perspective one of faith-filled joy? Let go whatever is not of Me and that which does not line up with My Word. I have your victory -- it awaits those bold enough to stand for it and see the power of My will.

To my love for you nothing can be called a detail. The fallen angel did not believe in love and he was deprived of it. Believe in My love and you will have over and above all that you ask or think.

If you have the intention of loving Me when you pray, I will accept your prayer even when you are distracted.

Out of much concourse in the world there comes a fatigue of body which sleep alone cannot relieve. Too much activity is a heavy drain on your whole being. You are not three separate units: body, soul, and spirit. You are one unit, having three avenues of expression. When one part is unduly taxed, all are affected.

Your soul can only be strong and rested as your body is also. Sleep shall bring refreshing and renewal to the spirit as much as to the body. Keep the image of yourself united, for it will benefit you much. All is sacred, as all is dedicated for My glory.

You do not glorify the flesh by giving proper care to physical needs. The only area in which I will not tolerate indulgence is in self-will. As long as your will is yielded to Me, all else will be simple.

Let the memory of past mercies cheer you in hard places.

I long to minister to My little ones, for it is only when you are filled by Me that you are at all ready to face the daily battle set before you. My ministering equips you with peace, strength, endurance, and the will to carry on in circumstances where you would otherwise fall. Know that My Spirit must go before you in any area that I have called you to be My agent. Seek My rest, let go and allow Me to have My way in you.

When you touch the souls of men, you are touching the most precious thing there is. No work is more demanding of wisdom. Seek Me continually for direction and for understanding, so that you may be able to gather the overripe fruit without bruising it.

You, as My little ones, are worthy vessels created to carry out My work on earth. Never doubt My power in you. Remember, you are merely the agent, the venue of a great work begun in Heaven to carry and release into My created world. Understand you can do anything I call you do for it is not a matter of being able as it is your desire to serve My purposes. When you are willing, I am always ready and able.

Come away and spend time with Me, hear My voice, see what it is I am calling you to. "Understand what the will of the Lord is." Let Me heal you and strengthen you so you can be with Me, so you can hear the sound of My voice that will guide you into battle.

Let Me minister to you. I will bring you what you need to heed My call, be it healing, sustenance, or the peace of mind to trust Me. Out of our being one will come your doing, a doing that will shine My light and fulfill what I intend for it to accomplish.

To the extent that you will surrender control of your life to Me will you find a deeper sense of contentment in My promise to care for you and supply every need. "I have come that you may have life more abundantly." This involves your submission to let go into Me. You are not leading; you are being led.

As your will and mine come together, you will see more of the promised life I have called you to. This is My will for you: abundance. Put no faith in your dying flesh, your finite thought patterns, your limited vision.

Without a pure heart, I cannot be free to declare My favor in your life. "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed."

You need only slow down long enough to receive from Me. Listen with your heart, clear your head, your mind of worldly clutter. Then simply let Me into your heart. There I will dwell and will work My ways through you.

My power is in My love, a source so great nothing or no one can withstand it. Once touched, you can never go backwards for My love is pure, it draws, it heals, and cleanses. It is what all need to find their way in this broken world. To reject it is to be disembodied and wander, lost in an empty void. I have pledged covenant love from My heart -- receive it.

Be Me to all the world -- to every one. Remember, My will is for all to come to glory. Let your heart be open and free, to love Me by loving My people.

Be fertile ground to My gifts I am longing to place in you. Do not allow any earthly thing to stand in the way of us for nothing compares to the love I have for you.

Your harvest is simply the bi-product of a faithful and obedient Christian life. I have set it all before you today and everyday. Be faithful. Abide in Me. Your harvest will come to bear on all the faithful who stand and persevere in the ways of My Word. Let My promises nourish you and transforms who you are and where you are going.

I know the end from the beginning. Carefully, I construct your life amidst sin, disobedience, demonic interference, free will -- so many seeming hindrances in your eyes. To Me, they are all part of the plan and this is why I seek your obedience, submission, and humility. You know not the next step, yet I know them all in My infinite, loving wisdom.

Never let Me become just words, a ritual, a philosophy or anything you merely perform to try to bring about My grace. I am an ever-living, present God, longing to commune directly with you.

Are you ready to receive? A person has nothing to give which has not been received from above. Is so, are you a good receiver? Do you receive enough to fill up and overflow with My personality, My love, My hope -- so much so that it is contagious?

My joy is not limited to the pleasures of life. My presence brings you joy, peace, intimacy in the midst of life's ongoing trials. Your faith -- trusting, knowing who I am to you -- is the key to revealing My touch. Do you know that I love you? Finding joy amidst all your trials and challenges involves knowing Me -- truly, deeply knowing Me -- not knowing about Me, reciting "holy" words, or taking another's word for it.

I want you. Know that we can have that kind of loving relationship, more intimate than any earthly one. I will never disappoint, abandon, ignore, ridicule, or hurt you. I will bring to light My presence through every part of your life, every day. Look for Me. Do not lose sight of My presence by getting caught up in personal happiness or worldly despair. The "path of life" is strewn with My presence and, with it, "fullness of joy". (Psa 16)

You would not send a child out to do the mission of an adult. Nor will I. I give you the tools of perfecting your way -- My Spirit, My Word, My spiritual gifts covered in My love and grace. They are yours for the asking with the submission of your heart to My will.

Be more caught up in Me than in your works for Me. Your actions will flow to the degree My presence is found within. Start with seeking My face, My heart.

I long to be "Christ in you", but it is a challenge when you're too busy to commune with Me and in Me. I can maximize your ministry to the extent that you take the time to hear Me and know just what to do as I have ordained it. When you are present with Me, you will know and sense the confidence that comes from being truly and deeply loved.

The days are short and your eternity awaits. I have called My Body to an anointing of carrying out greater works to "turn the world upside down". And each of you, My sons and daughters, are a vital part of that call. Come and share your light -- "give and it will be given back to you." Live for the power of Christ to manifest in you and let this be your reward.

The free will you have is a gift. As you exercise it toward reaching Me, you are using it as I have intended. Every choice or movement of your will to Me is an act of love toward Me. The life of Jesus was the ultimate continual submission to the Father, and thus there was no one more free to love and be loved.

My heart moves My hand. You have needs; I have provision. I am not looking for all of your time, but in the time you choose to give, I do want all of you.

I go wherever your prayer goes: to fill your heart when you praise, to touch the lives of those you pray for, and to speak to your spirit when we commune. I can never have enough of you. Do you ever have enough of Me? Spending time wisely in My presence will give you a taste of My eternal glory and help to make your Christian life the awesome life that I have intended it to be.

Do not let a dim world view jade your image of who I really am. I am well beyond the created and always exceed your greatest thoughts. I am beyond containment, but not beyond direction, that is, where you direct Me in prayer. I will go where prayer goes if you will take Me there.

My supernatural kingdom is essentially more real, more alive, and certainly more powerful than what is not eternal. Therefore I call you to My kingdom world. It is best known through faith and experienced in My presence. For here is your home. You are now on mission to bring My light, truth, and power to My created world.

My Heavenly kingdom is so much closer than you could realize. It is not distant nor long in coming. It is among you and goes forth in My word and worship. Beyond your limited senses, take hold of what I offer and witness My revelation.

I urge you to make the most of your time. I will love you and support all earthly endeavors that are of My will. Beyond that, you are only striving in vain for a poor substitute for Me, something which will only lead you further from Me and down a sinful path. Wake up and declare what really matters to you -- My Spirit flowing in and through you. "For with you is the fountain of life." (Psalm 36:9)

The battles of the Christian life are many. I exhort you to stand firmly in your faith in Me as trials surround you. If you do not, you are no better off than an unbeliever, tossed about by your worries, fears, and negative imagination. It is essentially your choice. I have blessed you with every spiritual gift (Ephesians 1:3) and equipped you with My inner power to withstand the onslaught of a lying enemy (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Do not mourn the demise of your former self. Know that it is My love that sustains you. Let loose the shackles that held you. Step over the walls that separated us. Come into My rich presence and be with Me. "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30)

You will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly as you deny your flesh, repent, and let go of worldly thought. It is likely to be contrary to what you have been hearing around you, mainly because it is the voice of truth that cannot be denied. And it brings with it life. Prepare your heart and mind with praise and prayer to receive My word. It is victory and will bring comfort and the "peace which surpasses all understanding." (Philippians 4:7)

I am perfecting My bride; preparing you for eternity and My vision goes well beyond your time limited earthly existence. I love you too much to let you answer My call and not be in sync with My voice.

I can reach your depths when you enter in to My presence in holy surrender. Experience the wisdom of praise. Your depths of your spirit know far more in time of praise than hours of pondering and questioning. Your most profound insight is most often the product, or byproduct, of the deepest times of prayer.

Once your mind grasps what the spirit is telling it, now you have true direction. It never works in reverse -- mind first speaking to spirit. The mind is too finite to probe the deeper things of God.

Take Me into your heart and praise Me until your joy begins to overflow, that others may know Me. Joy can be yours everyday when you seek and discern My presence in all you do.

This gift of the life of Christ you have been given is far too short to let it pass by. Give Me all of you. I will receive you in love and use whatever you give Me for My glory. Consider the worth your life has to Me. Come near to Me -- let Me see the real you, free and unfettered from what you think you are.

It is easy for you to hide the true person I created you to be behind so much worldly culture. I am seeking the authentic follower, one who lives out of My love rather than in doing those things you somehow deem you are supposed to do. Will you praise Me like King David did, free of the care of others? Will you accept the gifts I offer through the Holy Spirit and use them to exalt others? Trust Me when I call you on to the water.

Do not miss Me in favor of a more comfortable routine of daily living. I have availed to you Holy Spirit fire from Heaven to touch you, for you to touch others in My name. So often this walk comes in the simple daily choices you make for Me.

It is in your weakness, your dependence upon Me that you become effective -- strong with calm and without pride. I come in when petty shows of "strength" are set aside. A fortress that protects a you of your own creation is one that needs demolishing, not protection. I am your protection in the things that matter. Lay aside your fear, your apprehension. Come to Me on your knees with a new sense of delight that I am in you and whose you are.

Turn each time from your anxiety and call on Me. I'm there ready with the next direction for you. Just yield. I'll show you My way. Give in and give up. You know when your ways are clearly not working. You want My fruit. You desire truth. I will give it, but only on My path. It is not well trod, but its way is life, light, wisdom and hope. Peace to all who enter.

You're more afraid of the surrender of control than anything else. Control is My job. It is only yours to carry out what I send you to do, not in your own power, for you are indeed powerless to carry out My tasks. Give Me just the smallest part of you and I can use that for I know where to go in you and make you a workable vessel for this Kingdom.

There is immense joy behind this wall of the natural. If only you knew and could trust when I tell you what is there. I am in control -- is that not enough to rejoice in?

Do you believe chaos has a place in the plans for My people? Nothing is haphazard, nothing without a reason and a purpose. I am ever working My ways in and through you. You are vital to My call in this universe. Let Me take it up for you. Let us run together and flee the ways of the past.

Don't get the idea that it is the greatest number of prayers that touches your God. It's the way you speak to Him. Be irresistible in love.

Wherever you find perfect beauty and perfect charm, you find Me.

Don't be alarmed when your imagination gallops. It is your will that concerns Me. I died to make your will Mine. Don't just treat Me as a guest of your greatest moments, but as the Beloved you never leave. You know what "never" means. You are always before My face.

I am all attractiveness. I am Charm and the Charmer. I am Heaven itself.

Didn't I love beyond all reason?

Haven't I explained to you that you will be judged according to the measure of your love -- on that alone?

Love alone can comfort love.

By dint of carrying your cross you will find that your cross is carrying you.

Don't you know that because of My compassion a single act of perfect love atones for a whole lifetime?

Give yourself a rest from saying prayers so that you may enjoy My love.

Have you forgotten that it is your weakness that attracts your God? Then give Him your utmost confidence -- boundless trust.

What heart is more sensitive than Mine? Suppose someone were to ask you, "What are you doing at this moment?", and you could answer, "I'm loving My God." Even if the whole universe were to stand still, it would be a fact of little importance compared with a soul striving to charm Me.

You see, I'd like to spare you trials because I love you. And yet at the same time I'd like to give them to you because I love you and because I can see the reward. What merit would there be in loving Me after you had seen Me? This is the test of life. Pass through it victoriously.

Look at Me in the silence; a silence laden with the love that is worth more than all the prayers that you recite mechanically.

When you simply say "Jesus, have mercy" with love, I grant more grace than for a long, drawn-out prayer that you recite mechanically.

When will you realize that time -- the span of earthly life -- is too short, that I need all eternity to love you?

If you only knew the effort it was for Me -- not to give to you, but to refrain from giving. That is why your requests relieve Me. My heart is a fire that suffers when its consuming flame is diminished. Fan it. Fan it. The conquest of the whole world is not too great for My fire.

I love children. It is I who gave them all these delicate thoughts and feeling: complete trust, docility, a thirst for Jesus, candor and purity, absolute surrender and the forthright glance. You must keep the same sentiments with you right through life. For they come from Me and I so love to find them again in you when you are grown up. So find your child-soul again and give it to Me.

Take note of your thoughts. Don't you see that they occupy the greatest part of your existence? They belong to an interior realm that you must learn to rule since from them comes what is worthy and unworthy in your days. Keep them constantly in the climate of God, of My glory, and all My qualities and you will get to know Me better.

My very little one, don't be afraid to come and drink at the fount of My power. It never runs dry; nothing ever comes to an end in Me. Does anyone diminish the ocean by taking water from it? What riches do I lack? Do the blessings I give now seem to be fewer than the ones I have been giving since the beginning of Creation? Would I be God if in giving I became poorer?

Have I changed from the God I was in the first mornings of Creation? You remember how the first man, splendid and upright, waited to pour out his heart to Me and found unutterable fullness of joy in those first conversations with the Father of his body and soul?

I am Beauty itself. These spring times of the Spirit, full of the elixir of eternity, are paid for with the shedding of My blood and have created splendors you cannot see. But the angels and the saints gaze on them.

You have everything you need to perfect the person I dreamed of in creating you. Did you watch Me creating you? You see you can have no idea of the tenderness that I pledged to your soul so long ago.

You have Me right in you as a candle has its flame.

Why do I ask you to pray? Because prayer is to grace as the lighted match to the candle. You get the picture: the first effort is man's; then comes God. Always one-ness. Never God alone. Never man alone. But God and man working together. This is the law of My love.

You know sometimes I ask you to sacrifice a sacrifice.

More and more, loosen your hold on the things of the world. Isn't the Meeting day drawing near for you and Me? Little signs like this are like the three taps before the curtain rises. Make eager and joyful preparations to appear on that other stage beyond. Practice the role of the impatient lover about to possess the object of her dream -- the most beautiful of all dreams -- sure that it will surpass all that you have ever imagined.

Your heart is a refuge for Me. Sometimes you are the only one praying in a given situation.

You may take the gift of a light and merry heart. This is of Me. I am beauty in all its forms.

To My love for you nothing can be called a detail. The fallen angel didn't believe in love and he was deprived of it. Believe in My love and I promise you will have over and above all that you ask or think.

I am calling My Spirit-filled believers to concentrated labor in this, the vineyard of prayer. Hidden from human eyes, it is wide open to Heaven.

How can My Church be victorious without the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit filling each believer? You thwart My purposes and block My path when you do not avail yourself of this. My provision. Do you suppose I can accomplish My will through a powerless body? For each Christian is to be a channel through which My blessings may flow.

Indeed, if you knew how close I am standing to the curtain of time you would draw very near and be filled with expectancy. For one of these days -- so very soon -- the curtain will be drawn; the heavens will be rolled back; the canopy of the sky as you know it will be lifted away; and the Son of Man shall be revealed in power and great glory. Walk forth in Me in the conquering strength of My Holy Spirit.

I am at your side, but your fretfulness has raised an iron curtain between us. For when you are utterly finished and exhausted in your struggling; when you have come to the end of all your striving, you are ready to abandon your intellectual pursuit, and when you cast yourself upon Me as a baby upon its mother's breast; then you shall know surely that I have been constantly at your every side; that I have never deserted you.

Break through your religious curtain, and behold Me in My glory.

Anticipate surprises as you deign to follow Me. To change the figure, keep your eye on the baton. I may introduce a sudden change not written in the score; a rest, a hold, a crescendo not written in the music.

Man has contemplated the power of faith and of prayer, but only rarely have I revealed to men this far greater power of praise. Do not try to analyze each need. Leave the diagnosis and the mechanics of it in My hands. Complexities are nothing to Me. They exist only in your mind, sown by the enemy, to dull your faith. Ignore all this. Weigh nothing except the love of My heart.

Ask nothing unless you ask your own heart how much love it holds for Me. I will bless you and I will make you a blessing. Leave the miracles to Me. You be and I will do.

Discover the power of Truth -- any truth. Put it to the test. Every truth is as firm as God Himself. It can be relied upon. It can be trusted as a fact and counted upon in experience.

Believe My truths, but go beyond this. Put them into operation, and learn what it is to experience them as well. Only in this way can you proclaim their fact in a persuasive manner. No teaching is effective except as it springs out of experience, and no teaching which does spring from experience shall fall short.

Teaching will be easy and spontaneous and forceful whenever it is the overflow of life. You cannot teach about Me any other way, because I am not a cold fact, but a Living Person. So My Truth is a living truth. It shall split the rocks of doubt and break forth in the most unlikely places. Drop the seeds of Truth. I will accomplish My purpose.

A magnet's effectiveness is constituted by virtue of what it is. It cannot of itself either move nor speak. It simple is, and on the strength of what it is, it exerts its influence. One thing only is necessary for its operation -- that is to be brought into proximity and working distance to the other object. Even so, let Me move you by My hand into the places of vital influence. All the rest of the work I will accomplish through the power of My Spirit within you.

"I slew the lion and the bear", said David, and having thus developed courage, he moves unflinchingly to confront the giant Philistine. That which had been tried in solitude broke into evidence in the public crisis. It was in this area of faith and courage that he was above his fellows. Secret faith had its moment of open revelation. It is ever so. Build inner faith from the lesser challenges, and it will be your delivering angel in the most calamitous moments.

The work of the Spirit is as silent as white clouds moving across a blue sky. Do not make it complicated. I breathe across the heart-strings and bring forth melody.

As your spirit is aware when His Spirit is grieved within you, so will you also be aware when His Spirit rejoices within you. This is the joy He promised. Surely you will not only rejoice, but be exceeding glad with a gladness surpassing your power to tell.

My will is not a place, but a condition. No place or time is more hallowed than another when you are truly in love with Me. Your will and intelligence may be at the helm, but divine providence and sovereignty are stronger forces.

My Word, the Bible, abounds with nuggets of courage. It will strengthen you and help you; even in eternity you will partake of its far-reaching efforts.

Obedience is the fabric of happiness. To rebel is to seek sorrow.

Love is both at once very personal and intimate in its interior state, and very all-encompassing it is outreach.

Those who do not hear Me are occupying themselves with other thoughts. They may even be studying the Bible and fail to hear My voice speaking to their heart, but they cannot worship Me and miss Me. I am eager to meet all and every one who comes to sit at My feet and be taught in the Spirit.

God is love. The soul that has experienced fusion can speak this truth as a testimony of discovery, not as a theological premise. He speaks it in conviction, and he speaks it in reverential awe. He speaks it in wonder. And he speaks it in a love that is the echo of God's heartbeat.

Joy does not see the darkness of the night but the brilliance of the stars. Better a cup full of joy than a vault filled with riches. All the wealth of the world cannot buy joy and all the powers of hell cannot take it from the one who has made it his possession.

I Myself vitalize and "dynamize" all My own action. All My own actions and words are Almighty, and they are so as they move through you. Sometimes I have kept this reality veiled from My servants because I know the weakness of mortal flesh and the temptation in man to take unto himself the glory, and I know the danger both to man himself and to My cause if he does not truly know that all the power in this action is God, rather than himself.

I am pleading with you because of the need of the hour to let My power flow through you as you have never done before, for My work right now is like the critical moments at the crisis hour of a great battle.

The servant of God must not strive [2 Tim 2:24]. Striving is for those who have not yet learned to trust Me. Anxiety is the affliction of the self-possessed. The godly know their heritage and revel in the protection of their Redeemer.

Wisdom without simplicity is a snare. A little wisdom puffs up; let him who considers himself wise know that a pure heart and reverence for God are the beginning of understanding. The heart of a child is an open vessel for mercy because he has not erected artifices to protect his self-esteem. The prayer of the child is answered because of its unvarnished simplicity. It is not so important that you be stronger than the opposition. The victory lies in knowing that I am stronger.

He who would be in tune with Heaven must hear the tone of My voice.

Patience is like the petals of a rose unfolding. It is silent. It does not complain about its own slowness nor chide another for his. It is able to wait, for it knows that time is as important as speed. It knows that there is often much speed in the Spirit while there is slowness in the flesh. It knows there is a divine clock that has wings where man's clock has hands.

Persecution is nothing in My sight, My little one. It is a mere shadow falling across your path that is left behind as you walk on. It cannot block the way, and it is not a thing over which to stumble, for it has no substance. To walk in the light is to baffle persecution; for the greater the light, the more the shadows are dispelled.

Remember, I am the Light. You do not need to drive away the shadows. Abide in Me, and I Myself by the brightness of My presence will deal with the darkness. There is nothing, in fact, that I do not conquer. I deal swiftly with every design of the devil aimed against you as you trust Me. It was because the Psalmist understood this that he said "The Lord is my shield."

My child, do not miss My sweet reality in your frantic effort to please Me. As Martha in her desire to minister to Me forfeited My nearness, so you have done. My child, I have need of nothing. I desire only your love. Give Me this first always, and whatsoever service may follow, you will then do with light feet and a heart set free. Then I will work in you such a way that even as I am using you, you shall simultaneously experience My energizing power. "They go from strength to strength." Psa 84:7.

You have often misconstrued My will and felt that only in sacrifice and suffering could you please Me, while much of the time I have longed to deliver you out of the very pains you inflicted upon yourself. You mean to please Me but in truth you were only marring your own beauty which is precious to Me.

I cannot rejoice in a blighted rose. You have gone far enough in this way. I offer you My path now, if you are strong enough to accept it. Life, liberty, love and joy. Health and peace -- simplicity and rest. It has been there for you all along. You can have it even now if you will.

I delight in working things out for you, but I delight even more in you yourself than in anything I do to help you. Even so, I want you to delight in Me just for Myself, rather than in anything you do for Me.

Take time to absorb My love from Me, like a quiet flower take life from the warm rays of the sun.

Joy is the natural climate of Heaven.

In My stillness, you will gain poise; and joining with Me in the flow, you will experience the progressive life. Yes, only as life is progressive in its life at all. Movement indicates life. Movement safeguards life. Movement promulgates life. Movement gives purpose to life -- yes, beauty. It is the flowing lines of a sculptor's work that spell success.

I ask you to worship Me in times when it seems indescribably difficult to do so because I know unequivocally that praise is your only hope for survival. Distress of soul and grief of heart can only bring on the destruction of body. Joy alone is a healer, and you can have it in the darkest hour if you will force your soul to rise to Me in worship and adoration.

Wait for it, the morning of hope, as tulip bulbs anticipate the spring. The rarest blooms are enhanced by the coldness of winter. The snow plays her part in producing the spring's pageant. He is not only mighty to save from sin, but He is mighty to save from despair.

Be of good cheer. Sing. I delight to answer prayer and to make the crooked straight. It is vain to battle the spiritual elements with the carnal mind. Only the man who is taught in the Spirit can war in the Spirit. Jesus on many occasions demonstrated this fact and moved directly into the front line of attack against the devil. You must do the same.

Human cleverness is no match for the devil. Intellectual persuasion will not cast out demons. Neither can a faith that wavers bring any kind of deliverance. The Spirit has no need to respond to threats because its own creative flow is a more powerful action.

A rose, though easily crushed and fragile, speaks a language of silent power. It is the same power that lies in the eyes of the one who loves. Beauty comes to the inner soul of a man, as tenderness becomes his outer expression. He finds it has captured the atmosphere of Heaven, and has brought to his human relationships the essence of God's holy love.

I ask of you a full portion of your worship, yes, an unlimited devotion because I am a giver, not a taker. You will always find yourself enriched beyond your expectations whenever you give yourself to Me in even a very limited way.

I have consolations for your soul that surpass your sharpest grief. I have walked through the deepest waters and I am with you as you experience your baptism of sorrow. It is the path that leads to the gate of glory and your Father waits to greet you there. It is not Heaven of which I speak, but of blessedness of Spirit which is given to those who have passed through tribulations and washed their robes and have set their feet on the high road of absolute surrender.

It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom, boundless in His love and with great tenderness He woos you to the place of favoritism. It may cost you all, but you cannot fathom what He has in store for you.

Ask with complete confidence; but in all you desire, let it be for the enrichment of your soul. Seek not the treasures of this world, for they are transient. Learn the value of spiritual riches and set your heart on their attainment. You may rightly covet My spiritual gifts.

Praise must not be thought of only as a source of blessing and healing, even though they are its by-products. Let praise drown out the little voices of woe and complaint that run around in your head. Let it draw you out of concern with your situation and foretaste My victory over them all. Praise is work for you, My child, because you have done so little of it in your life. Redeem the time you have left on earth -- let your mouth and your heart be filled with My praise.

My child, put away the negative thoughts and feelings that are so readily in your head. They are death to the life I am giving you, and they eat away like acid in your soul. When the accusing and judgmental thoughts arise, quickly turn the person or situation over to Me in prayer.

I seek a people who are not afraid to believe boldly. History is a record of My faithful response to this kind of bold praying. I see instead, the tendency to rely on human schemes and worldly wisdom -- so My blessing is delayed or its magnitude diminished. "According to your faith be it unto you."

Both joy and sorrow flow from the fount of tears. They are My gift to you, washing away the soil of many years, softening the hardness which has long encrusted your heart. Do not be ashamed of them nor frightened by their arrival. Wholeness demands a cleansing and abundant fruit can come forth only from hearts that are made workable. Keep at it, My child, and expect harvest to come.

The enemies are within, My child. Over the years you have given room for hiding places for them. They are permitted to plague until your repentance is complete. As long as the harassing fears and foreboding come, fight against them with the weapons I have provided -- believing prayer and grateful praise. They cannot prevail against these, and their attacks will turn to blessing!

I have so honored My creation as to limit My own power to make room for a praying people. A little light has begun to dawn in the thicket of opinion. I invite you to prevail with Me, for this is the doorway to a deeper level of trust. Please do not fear to pray bold prayers, and keep praying when things look grim.

Little faith is better than no faith. Little faith in Me is better than great faith in yourself. I do not despise your little faith, but I do mean for it to grow. You have been in this way too long to be content with such a small and shriveled faith. We deserve better! I have given you plenty of "faith material" with which to grow a robust faith.

By celebrating My goodness, you extract the sweetness known only to those who love Me. I have called you to be an instrument of praise. Most of My world is still full of bitterness and complaint. My goodness is ignored or rationalized, and people pass away without claiming the hidden blessing -- a truth so magnificent that people find it hard to believe.

Praise is My gift to you. As you lift your heart and voice to join the throngs of the ages, I give back to you far and above anything you can offer to Me. It is part of My sovereign plan that My children are blessed in blessing. When the whole creation shall praise its Creator and redeemer, healing streams will flow through its veins, to keep it in perpetual health.

There can be no more healing prayer than praise -- of the whole heart and soul. Praise of the body and voice. You are created as a whole person -- and your praise must include body soul and spirit if it is to be complete. "Out of the mouths of babes thou hast perfected praise" -- why? Because in the simplicity of childhood, they hold nothing back out of "dignity" or "decorum." Learn the simplicity of heartfelt affection for your loving Father.

Yes, My child, the cross is a bitter thing. It was bitter for Me and I bore it for you; and you will never have to taste the full extent of its bitterness. Nevertheless, you must taste your part of its bitterness if you would be Mine.

I came down from the cross a dead Body -- lifeless, ruined and done as far as the powers of this world were concerned. But a deeper power had been challenged and did not know that on that very cross he was being unseated. So My victory beyond the cross is stamped on every cross I ask My children to endure. So do not fear any cross -- you cannot be destroyed by it -- only cleansed and made more fit for life in My kingdom.

I send you out from our quiet times to live out and prove the realities you meet here. Only in the press of the day and the needs of the night can you come to know that what I tell you here is truth. Otherwise it would become an escape into an unreal world of fantasy, cut off from your real life.

Our relating is organically connected with the whole of your life. Refresh yourself here at the fountain of life for the heat of the day, and return hither in heart and mind in the dry season. My grace is sufficient for you.

My word is not always in words. Keep silent before My mysterious ways, for all will be light in the end. Faith requires this, to trust where you are mystified, to hold on to what I have said when the outward conditions seem to contradict it. This is a necessity because Trust is My very being.

Generations rise and pass away before Me. You see and experience sadness as your own generation draws nearer to the grave. Soon, very soon, you will all be forgotten by the living. Only a few from each generation are remembered. But I do not forget.

These brief years on earth -- with their sorrows, hopes, and joys -- are not the whole of My gift of life. I am the God of the living -- and My gift of life goes on for those who come to Me for life. Do not look with sad eyes at the brevity of your life here. Let final years be both a finishing and a beginning -- for My gift of life is an unending one for My own.

Rejoice in the gifts I give you, My child, but rejoice more and more in Me.

I am the source of true joy, the antidote for sadness that clings to your soul. Joy and sadness meet together as you repent and find My forgiveness.

The beauty of this world does not compare with the glory of the next. It is, however, a foretaste, just as the peace I give here is a foretaste of My Kingdom. Enjoy the beauty here. It is My gift to you.

The King's Highway is a narrow way. It is no smooth and painless path -- it is the way the King Himself traveled when He tented among you for a season. Yes, the King's highway is the way of the cross. The cross means death to that which would destroy life.

The love you have for yourself is fraught with anxiety and impossible demands. It's is a cruel love, not a freeing one. There is no need for self-love because My love fills all. It is the paradox of paradoxes. All is won as all is lost.

It is My pleasure to give good gifts to My children. I do not give according to their deserving, but as I see best.

Sometimes I withhold gifts, because they would not bring a blessing with them. Material gifts are a special problem in this regard. They are easily turned into distractions and misuse. So I withhold them, waiting until the soul is ready and able to bear them. When the heart attaches itself to worldly goods or Mammon, the blessing is lost. Walk carefully now, My child, amid the myriad gifts I have bestowed. Don't let the gifts come between us.

Praise is the key that unlocks the treasure store of My mercies. Numberless blessings are available to those who learn the secret of praise. As a flower unfolds before the sun, to receive its life-giving rays, so the soul opens before Me through the act of praise. There is not life without light -- and the soul that does not praise continues in the lifeless darkness. Dwell in My life-giving light.

What is the difference between an apostle and a follower of the world? An apostle is calm.

"Do not be afraid." I say this so often to souls. If you trust Me, there is nothing that should frighten you.

You have been giving gifts very carefully. You will need these gifts to serve Me in the way that I decided you should serve. You have exactly what you need to help Heaven.

I am returning to your world and in this initial phase of My return I am returning through you. You should be joyful. If you are not joyful you are spending too much time on worldly thinking. Think in terms of Heaven and you will feel joy. Should a soul who is surrounded by angels be dismayed? Should a soul that walks in the constant presence of Jesus Christ be sad and fearful? My loving smile is in your soul. I hold only good wishes for you.

There are many here in Heaven who have struggled with your very same struggles. They overcame the world and so will you. If you think it is too difficult, then you are trying to do too much at once. Sit peacefully now in this moment and allow Me to calm you.

Many people in this world are feeling constant anxiety. This does not come from Me. This does not come from following Me. Often it is a lack of love and security. But, My dear apostles, I am the only true security. Rely on Me and you will find your anxiety begins to diminish. Soon it will disappear because I will take it away. Ask Me for this and then trust Me.

Many great saints spent their lives working on trust. You will get better and better at trusting Me through practice and your fears will get smaller and smaller. I can promise you this because it has always been this way. Those who live in unity with Me are at peace. The world cannot touch them, because their sights are set on the next world, their true home, which is Heaven.

Keep your Spirit life calm and unruffled. Nothing else matters. Leave it all to Me. This is your great task: to get calm in My presence, not to let one ruffled feeling stay for one moment. Years of blessing may be checked in one moment by that.

No matter who frets you or what, yours is the task to stop all else until absolute calm comes. Any block means My power diverted into other channels. I cannot bless a life that does not act as a channel. My Spirit brooks no stagnation. Its power must flow on. Pass on everything, every blessing.

Sometimes it is a part of My method to wait until the storm is at its full violence. So I did this with My disciples on the lake. I could have bid the first angry wave be calm, the first gust of wind be still; but what a lesson unlearned and sense of tender nearness for refuge and safety would have been lost.

Do not expect a perfect church, but find in a church the means of coming very near to Me. That alone matters. Then the much that is husk falls away. Hold it of no account. Grasp the truth and find Me, the true bread of life. The lesson of the grain is the lesson of My church and Me. The real life is all that matters. The outward church is the husk, but the husk was necessary to present a life-grain to man.

Joy is the sovereign balm for all the ills of the world. Dwell much on what I did as well as what I said. Remember I touched the hand of the sick woman hand and the fever left her. Not many words, just a moment's contact and all fever left her. My touch is still a potent healer. Experience it.

Laugh more; laugh often. Love more; I am with you. I am your Lord. Simplicity is the keynote of My kingdom.

Mine is the cross on which the burdens of the world are laid. How foolish is anyone of My disciples who seeks to bear His own burdens when there is only one place for them: My cross.

Joy is the very beauty of holiness. You are Mine. Deliverance is here for you, but thankfulness and joy open the gates. Try in all things to be very glad, very happy, very thankful. It is not to quiet resignation I give My blessings, but to joyful acceptance in anticipation. Laughter is the outward expression of joy. That is why urge upon you love and laughter.

All work that results from resting in God is miracle work. Know that you can do all things through Christ who rests you.

Convert all difficulties into the purification of your character. Remember that to Me a miracle is only a natural happening.

Do not think that suffering is the only path into My kingdom. There are sunlit glades and ways amid the loveliest flowers, along which the steps and hearts of men are drawn to Me.

Draw beauty from every opportunity. When I want to express to a man what I am, what My father is, I strive to make a very beautiful character.

I who bade the disciples "take up the cross" -- I loved to prepare a feast for them by the lakeside, a little glad surprise; not a necessity, as the feeding of the multitude may have seemed. I loved to give the wine gift of the marriage feast. As you love to plan surprises for those who understand and joy in them, so with Me.

Faith is too priceless a possession to be sacrificed in order to purchase mere knowledge. Faith itself is based on a knowledge of Me.

All your fears are powerless to harm you. They are but phantoms. The real forces I conquered in the wilderness, the Garden of Gethsemane, on the cross, in the tomb.

Jesus. That is My Name, by which you conquer. Not as cringing suppliants but as those recognizing a friend. Speak My Name and receive its power, which is in perpetual operation.

Hope is like a golden cord connecting you to Heaven. The more you cling to this cord the more I bear weight of your burdens and thus you are lightened. Heaviness is not of My kingdom. Cling to hope and My rays of light will issue the darkness.

The colors are of Heaven's hues so that your eyes could not bear to gaze on the whole unless you are beyond the veil. That voiceless cry that comes from anguished hearts is heard above all the music of Heaven. It is not the arguments of theologians that solve the problems of a questioning heart, but the cry of that heart to Me and the certainty that I have heard.

One of the main ways I assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events. Instead of dashing headlong toward your goal, let Me set the pace. Slow down. Enjoy the journey in My presence.

Remember that difficulties and troubles of life are not intended to arrest your progress, but to increase your speed. You must call new forces, new powers into action. Whatever it is must be surmounted, overcome. Remember this. It is as a race. Nothing must daunt you. Do not let a difficulty conquer you. You must conquer it. My strength will be there awaiting you. It is the path of victory I would have you tread. There can be no failure with Me.

Rejoice in the relief of being fully understood. Remember that your relationship with Me is saturated in gifts.

Let Me displace worry at the center your being. I am like a supersaturated cloud showering peace into the pool of your mind.

My nature is to bless. Your nature is to receive with thanksgiving. This is a true fit, designed before the foundation of the world.

My peace is the treasure of treasures, the pearl of great price. It is an exquisitely costly gift both the giver and receiver. I purchased this peace for you with My blood. You receive this gift by trusting Me in the midst of life storms.

Enjoy the tempo of God-breathed life by letting Me set the pace.

My purpose in all My dealings with you is one: to bring you to Me. The pain and the joy have the same intent on My part. If you will look at it in this light, My child, you will find it easier to talk through the hard times. I have no pleasure in seeing My children in pain -- except the joy of seeing them triumph over it in faith. This is the victory that overcomes: the faith-knowledge that you are still being led home -- to Me. Be of good cheer.

I will lead you and guide you with the "little thoughts" that come into your mind -- if you will obey them. If you are to "will one thing" as you say you want to, you must learn to obey more faithfully these leadings of My Spirit.

Trust is not built on knowledge of details. Trust is in the character of the One in whom you choose to believe. I have given you more than ample evidence of who I am, My child, I am not playing games with you as a pawn. He who waits for Me will not be confounded. That is My sovereign promise. Be at peace.

The quiet impressions that I bring to your mind are to be heeded and treasured. Do not wait for some overwhelming word, but learn to listen attentively to the still, small voice.

I am speaking in the silence. Wordless words come from My Spirit to yours -- wordless to your mind but not to your spirit. There in the secret place I build My dwelling. Guard it well, My child. Suffer no strange fires upon the altar of your heart.

Because I am omnipotent, I am able to bend time and events in your favor. You will find that you can accomplish more in less time after you have given yourself to Me in rich communion. Many, many things people do in My name have no value in My Kingdom. To avoid doing meaningless works, stay in continual communication with Me.

Heaven, after all, is a place of praise. There, with full vision, and understanding clarified, there is neither sorrow nor crying nor vain regrets -- but praise filling every heart. As you give yourself to praise here, you enter the heavenly realm.

Your praise, inadequate as it is, unites with that of the heavenly family -- and is magnified in the process. Take this thought, My child, and dwell on it. Your negative and fearful thought life must be attacked on many levels -- and none is more important than this one.

Many of the difficulties on the road ahead will vanish before you reach them. Remember when you start to feel afraid I am holding you by your right hand and nothing can separate you from My presence. Pry your mind away from your problems so you can focus your attention on Me.

When your will is aligned with Mine, there is a settled peace that nothing can destroy. When your will is contrary, set on its own direction, there is no inward peace, however calm the outward circumstances. The real strife -- that which produces stress -- comes from the lack of inward peace. The hypertension of My children is frequently related to this unresolved inner conflict. Settle with Me.

I have heard your prayer and your desire for more conscious dialog between us. You hold the key to this -- and if you are willing to follow on, it shall be so. Marvel not that I, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, leave this matter in your hands and heart. It is an expression of the dignity I have bestowed on My created sons and daughters.

I have yielded to our key decisions in our relationship, so that the relationship may be based on grace and free choice. Only choices freely made can open the door to the goal I have in mind for you.

Save your best striving for seeking My face. The world around you seems to spin faster and faster till everything is a blur. Yet there is cushion of calm at the center of your life when you live in union with Me. The world is a needy place. Do not go there for sustenance, instead come to Me. You are mine for all time and beyond time into eternity. No power can deny you your inheritance in Heaven.

Pause... before responding to people or situations. Give My Spirit space to act. Hasty words and actions leave no room for Me. This is atheistic living. I want to inhabit all your moments, gracing your thoughts, words and behavior.

Nothing is as important as spending time with Me. When you wait in My presence I do My best work within you. Do not seek Me primarily for what I can give you. Remember that I am infinitely greater than any gift I might impart to you.

Though I delight in blessing My children, I am deeply grieved when My blessings become idols in your hearts. Anything can be an idol if it distracts you from Me as your first love. When I am the ultimate desire of your heart, you are safe from its danger. As you wait in My presence enjoy the greatest gift of all: Christ in you, the hope of paradise.

Having sacrificed My very life for you I can be trusted in every facet of your life. I understand human frailty and I know that you can bear the weight of only one day at a time. Do not worry about tomorrow and get stuck in the past. there is abundant life My presence today.

I know you live in a world of sight and sound, but you must not be a slave to the stimuli. As soon as something grabs your attention, talk with Me about it. Thus I share your joys and your problems. If I gave you permanent peace, independent of My presence might fall into the trap of self-sufficiency. As your awareness of your neediness increases, so does your realization of My abundant sufficiency.

The media relentlessly proclaim bad news for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A steady diet of their fair will sicken you. Instead of focusing on the fickle, ever-changing news broadcasts, tune into the living Word, the One who is always the same. Let Scripture saturate your mind and heart and you will walk steadily along the path of life.

Your fear often manifests itself in excessive planning. There are many burned-out Christians who think more is always better, who deem it unspiritual to say No. As you rest in My presence, focusing on Me, I quietly build bonds of trust between us.

Every person on the planet faces gaping jaws of uncertainty, in this world under the bondage of evil. The only antidote for this poisonous threat is drawing closer to Me. In My presence you can face uncertainty with perfect peace.

Bring Me sacrifice of your precious time. This creates sacred space around you, space permeated with My presence in My peace. The peace that I give you, transcends your intellect. When most of your mental energy goes into efforts to figure things out, you are unable to receive this glorious gift. I look in your mind and see thoughts spinning round and round going nowhere, accomplishing nothing. All the while My peace hovers over you, searching for a place to land.

Man-made rules about how to live the Christian life enslave many people. There focus is on their performance, rather than on Me. It is through knowing Me intimately that you become like Me. Let go, relax, be still and know that I am God.

The battle for control of your mind is fierce. And years of worry have made you vulnerable to the enemy. One way to get through the day is to moan and groan, stumbling along with shuffling feet. But there is a better way. You can choose to walk with Me along the path of peace, leaning on Me as much as you need.

As you relax in My company, you are demonstrating trust in Me. When you lean on Me for support, I delight in your trusting confidence. Many turn from Me when they are exhausted. They associate Me with duty and diligence, so they try to hide from My presence when they need a break from work. How this saddens Me. As I spoke through My prophet Isaiah, in returning to Me and resting in Me you shall be saved. In quietness and trust shall be your strength.

I created beauty to declare the existence of My holy being. A magnificent rose, a hauntingly glorious sunset, oceanic splendor -- all these things were meant to proclaim My presence in the world. Most people rush past these proclamations without giving them a second thought. How precious are My children who are awed by nature's beauty. This opens them up to My holy presence.

Wear My robe of righteousness with ease. I custom-made it for you. The price I paid for this covering was astronomical: My own blood. You could never purchased such a royal garment, no matter how hard you work. Sometimes you forget My righteousness is a gift. And you feel ill-at-east in your regal robe. I weep when I see squirming under a velvety fabric, as if it were made of scratchy sackcloth.

Coming close to Me requires no great effort on your part. It is more like ceasing to resist the magnetic pull of My love.

Learn to enjoy life more. Relax, knowing that I am God within you. When My people wear sour faces and walk with through their lives with resigned rigidity, I am displeased.

I am a God who heals. I heal bodies, broken minds, broken hearts, broken lives and broken relationships. My very presence has immense healing powers. You cannot live close to Me without experiencing some degree of healing.

Entrust your loved ones to Me. Release them into My protective care. They are much safer with Me then in your clinging hands. If you let a loved become an idol in your heart, you endanger that one, as well as yourself. Remember the extreme measures I used with Abraham and Isaac. I took Abraham to the very point of death to free Abraham from son worship. Both Abraham and Isaac suffered terribly because of the father's undisciplined emotions.

I detest idolatry, even in the form of parental love. When you release loved ones to Me, you are free to cling to My hand. As you entrust others into My care, I am free to shower blessings on them. My peace will go with them wherever they go and I will give them rest. This same presence stays with you as you relax and place your trust in Me. Watch and see what I will do.

Many people run from Me and vehemently deny My existence because My closeness terrifies them. I am intimately involved in all of your moments and I am training you to beware of Me at all times. I am central in your innermost being.

Among all My creatures only humans can anticipate future events. This ability is a blessing, but becomes a curse whenever it is misused. If you use your magnificent mind to worry about tomorrow, you cloak yourself in dark unbelief.

Some of the world's most miserable people are those whose circumstances seem the most enviable. People who reach the top of the ladder career-wise are often surprised to find emptiness awaiting them. True joy is the by-product of living in My presence. Therefore you can experience it in palaces and prisons.

Imagine the pain I feel when My children tie themselves up and anxious knots, ignoring My gift of peace. I died a criminal's death to secure this blessing for you. My peace is an inner treasure. All suffering has meaning in My kingdom. Pain and problems are opportunities to demonstrate your trust in Me.

Bearing your circumstances bravely, even thanking Me for them, is one of the highest forms of praise. This sacrifice of thanksgiving rings golden-toned bells of joy throughout heavenly realms. On earth also, your patient suffering sends out ripples of good tidings in ever-widening circles. When suffering strikes, remember that I am sovereign and that I can bring good out of everything.

The promise of My presence is a powerful protection. Anxiety is a result of envisioning the future without Me. Your best defense against worries is staying in communication with Me. The reality of My presence with you, now and forever more, outshines any fantasy you could ever imagine.

One of the worst circumstances of the Fall is the elaborate barriers people erect between themselves and others. They are not from Me. My Spirit is a uniter of persons.

Facades abound in the world, even My Body, the church. Sometimes the church is the last place where people feel free to be themselves. They cover up with Sunday clothes and Sunday smiles. They feel relief when they leave because of the strain of false fellowship. The best antidote to this artificial atmosphere is practicing My presence at church. Let your primary focus be communing with Me, worshiping Me, glorifying Me; and then you will be able to smile at others with My joy and love them with My love.

I am your living God, far more abundantly alive than the most vivacious person you know.

The human body is wonderfully crafted. But gravity and the inevitable effects of aging, weigh it down. Even the most superb athlete cannot maintain his fitness over many decades. Lasting, abundant life can be found in Me alone. Do not be anxious about the weakness of your body. Instead, view it is a prelude to My infusing energy into your being.

As you identify more and more fully with Me, My life becomes increasingly intertwined with yours. Though the process of aging continues, inwardly you grow stronger with the passing years. Those who live close to Me develop an inner aliveness that makes them seem youthful in spite of their years. Let My life shine through you.

You live in a world that is rigged to distract you. A quick glance at Me as all you need to make the right choice. Delight yourself in Me more and more. Seek My pleasure in all that you do.

When a child of mine balks at accepting My gifts, I am deeply grieved.

Pause briefly from time to time so you can consult with the Holy One inside you. Approach problems with a light touch.

Many voices proclaim "this is the way to go", but only My voice tells you the true way. If you follow the way of the world with all its glitter and glamour, you will descend deeper and deeper into an abyss. Christian voices also can lead you astray: "do this, do not do that, pray this way, do not pray that way" -- if you listen all those voices you will become increasingly confused. Be content to be a simple sheep, listening for My voice and following Me.

Enjoy the rhythm of a life lived close to Me. You already know the ultimate destination of your journey, your entrance into Heaven.

You cannot yet live in Heaven but you can experience foretastes of your ultimate home. Such samples of heavenly fair revive your hope. Thankfulness opens you up to these experiences, which then provide further reasons to be grateful. Thus your path becomes an upward spiral, ever increasing in gladness. Thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula. It is the language of love.

Thankfulness takes the sting out of adversity. That is why I have instructed you to give thanks for everything. There is an element of mystery in this transaction. You give Me thanks regardless of your feelings and I give you joy, regardless of your circumstances.

As you sit quietly in the light of My presence you can sense peace growing within you. This is not something you accomplish through self-discipline and willpower. It is opening yourself to receive My blessing.

Ponder the awesome mystery of a love that encompasses you from before birth to beyond the grave. Modern man has lost the perspective of eternity. To distract himself from the gaping jaws of death, he engages and ceaseless activity and amusement. The practice of being still in My presence is almost a lost art. Yet it is this very stillness that enables you to experience My eternal love. During times of severe testing, even the best theology can fail you if it is not accompanied by experiential knowledge of Me.

Men tend to multiply duties in the observance of religion. This practice enables them to give Me money, time, and work; without yielding up to Me what I desire most -- their hearts. Rules can be observed mechanically. Once they become habitual, they can be followed with minimal effort and almost no thought. These habit-forming rules provide a false sense of security, lulling the soul into a comatose condition. What I search for in My children is an awakened soul that thrills to the joy of My presence.

I created mankind to glorify Me and enjoy Me forever. I provide the joy. Your part is to glorify Me by living close to Me.

Your needs and My riches are a perfect fit. I never meant for you to be self-sufficient. I designed you need Me, not only for your daily bread, but also for the fulfillment of deep yearnings. I carefully crafted your longings and feelings of incompleteness to point you to Me. Therefore do not try to bury or deny these things. Beware also of trying to pacify these longings with lesser gods.

Remember that you have an eternity of trouble-free living awaiting you in Heaven. Spend time allowing My light to infuse your dreams with life, gradually transforming them into reality. This is a very practical way of collaborating with Me. I, the Creator of the universe, have deigned to co-create with you. Do not try to hurry this process. If you want to work with Me, you have to accept My timeframe. Hurry is not in My nature.

When I joined the ranks of humanity born into the humblest of conditions, My glory was hidden from all but a few people. Occasionally streaks of glory shone out for Me, especially when I began to do miracles. Toward the end of My life I was taunted and tempted to display more of My awesome presence than My Father's plan permitted. I could have called down legions of angels to rescue Me at any point. Imagine the self-control required of a martyr who could free himself at will. All this was necessary to provide the relationship with Me that you now enjoy.

I am preparing you for what is on the road ahead just around the bend. So many people think the time spent with Me is a luxury they cannot afford. As a result they live and work in their own strength, until that becomes depleted. How much better it is to walk close to Me, depending on My strength and trusting Me in every situation. If you live in this way, you will do less, but accomplish more.

Your unhurried pace of living will stand out in this rush-crazed age. Some people will deem you lazy, but many more will be blessed by your peacefulness. Walk in the light with Me and you will reflect Me to the watching world.

Trust Me with every fiber of your being. What I can accomplish in and through you is proportional to how much you depend on Me. Difficult times can jolt you into awareness of your need for Me, whereas smooth sailing can lull you into a stupor of self-sufficiency.

I care as much about your tiny trust steps through daily life as about your dramatic leaps of faith. You may think that no one notices, but the one who is always beside you sees everything and rejoices. Consistently trusting in Me is vital to flourishing in My presence.

Marvel at the beauty of a life intertwined with My presence. Enjoy the adventure of finding yourself through losing yourself in Me. Your emptiness and My abundance are a perfect match.